Membership Info
You do not need to officially join a church to attend or be part of a church. However, membership is a meaningful way to indicate your commitment to this particular group of Christian people who, together, strive to be the body of Christ in Corvallis. We are all different, many of us come from different Christian traditions, and we do not all believe in the same way, but we all have responded positively to Christ’s invitation to “follow me” into the world to serve. Speak with an Elder or Pastor if you are interested in becoming a member of this congregation. We believe no matter which Christian denomination you were baptized into, once baptized, always baptized into the family of God. You are welcome here!
More information about membership: There are no requirements or dues for membership. However, a member is asked to commit, as best they can, to the ministry of the church with their time, talents, and/or financial support. Members also enjoy the privilege of voting in elections of officers and other congregational votes. You also must be a member to be nominated as an officer. Offices of the church include Ruling Elders (members of Session, the governing body of the church), and Deacons (a board dedicated to acts of service for the community as a whole). Additionally, Trustees are tasked with financial stewardship under oversight of Session.
If you are interested in membership, we encourage you to find specific topics of interest through the website Theocademy; then talk to one of the pastors about officially joining our congregation to further your journey of faith.