First Presbyterian Church Of Corvallis Believes Deeply in the Cause of Mission, Locally and Globally.

Our Work ranges from sending teams to New Orleans, (five teams have gone since Katrina hit), to helping develop a local Corvallis drop-in center for the homeless, to land mine work in Cambodia.
In all these and the other ways we serve, our goal is simply and profoundly, to love our neighbors. Recently, we tithed money from our Dennis Hall Capital Campaign to four organizations: Old Mill Center in Corvallis; Kids for Kids in Darfur; Malawi’s Medical Education Fund; Haiti’s Moringa Tree Nutrition Program.
Global Mission Opportunities
1st Presbyterian Church has always looked ahead to see where there is a need in the world that has not been fully met.
Before the land mines were a household term, this church worked to develop a program in Cambodia for those who had lost limbs to landmine accidents. This ministry continues today and is responsible for providing approximately 4% of all prosthesis in Cambodia.

Local Mission Opportunities
First Presbyterian Church has a nearly 155 year history of involvement with the local Corvallis Community.
We are committed to being a downtown church and to supporting the needs of our local community.

We work with the following organizations in Corvallis, as part of our continuing outreach in the city:
Housing First – A roof over every head. Housing First works to provide solutions for ending homelessness and achieving self-sufficiencey for those experiencing long-term chronic homelessness in Corvallis.
We Care – We Care furnishes one-time emergency financial aid for local residents who are ineligible for assistance from other sources.
Volunteer Interfaith Caregivers – Volunteer Interfaith Caregivers assist elderly persons and people with disabilities so that they may remain independent for as long as possible. VIC believes that the people of God are called to be a caring community, and this is a means of demonstrating God’s love to all.
ARC of Benton County – ARC is dedicated to improving the lives of children and adults with developmental disabilities and their families.
Linn Benton Food Share – Linn Benton Food Share attempts to reach every person in our area who cannot find enough resources to adequately feed themselves or their families. Last year Food Share distributed 5.4 million pounds of food to our 74 member agencies.
Presbyterian Preschool & Childcare – Presbyterian Preschool and Child Care Center is a state certified, non-doctrinal, community service program of the First Presbyterian Church of Corvallis. The mission PPCC is to provide a safe and enjoyable high quality program that meets the needs of all children no matter what their religious, cultural, educational, or socioeconomic background.
Westminster House – Founded in 1919, Westminster House is a multi-denominational student ministry organization near the campus of Oregon State University in Corvallis, OR. WestM is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church-USA, the United Methodist Church, the United Church of Christ and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).
Community Outreach Inc. – Community Outreach’s direct services come with resources and support to effect lasting change. Our combination of emergency service and case management—used in the Emergency Shelter, Transitional Housing Program, Families in Transition, and Homeless Emergency Services programs—gives people enough time, encouragement, and information to turn emergency shelter into long-term change and achievement.
CARDV – The mission of the Center Against Rape and Domestic Violence is two-fold: to provide services and support to those affected by sexual and domestic violence, and to provide education and leadership within the community to change the societal conditions that cultivate these forms of violence.
Jackson Street Youth Services – Jackson Street Youth Services gives youth a safe place to live and resources that get them on the road to a better life. Founded to fill a gap in local support services for housing homeless youth, we serve Linn and Benton Counties and rely on donations and partnerships from throughout the region to give youth in crisis a stable future.
We work with organizations across Oregon and internationally, as we continue to love our neighbors both near and far:
Healthcare for All – Oregon – Healthcare for All – Oregon is a statewide coalition of over 120 member organizations working to achieve a comprehensive, equitable, publicly funded, and high-quality health care system to serve all Oregon residents. Through grassroots activism, legislative efforts, and community education programs, HCAO aims to pass universal health care in Oregon by the 2020 legislative session.
Friendship with Cambodia – Friendship with Cambodia seeks to respond to the suffering in Cambodia by providing humanitarian aid that empowers people to help themselves.
Gingoog Christian College – Gingoog Christian College strives to provide educational opportunities in the Philippines.
Friends of PEB-Pakistan – Friends of PEB Inc. is a US 501(c)3 non-profit corporation that supports and promotes the work of the Presbyterian Education Board in Pakistan. It’s mission is to expand the network of PEB friends and increase the quality and quantity of resources donated to the educational board in Pakistan.